In men, discharge from the urethra of various natures is observed during arousal. They are usually not alarming as they are of natural origin. But there are cases when the discharge is pathological and requires medical intervention.

Natural secretion of seminal fluid
In a healthy man, during an erection, a small amount of clear fluid is always released from the penis. This phenomenon is considered normal and is not associated with any pathological processes. In medicine, such a natural secretion during arousal is called urethrosis, and the fluid itself is called preejaculate.
Main characteristics
Usually such a secret is absolutely transparent and has a medium consistency in density. Urethrorea is observed not only during arousal, but also during a morning erection. Outside the urethra, the seminal fluid begins to be released during caresses with a sexual partner and during the preparation for sexual intercourse. The same reaction is observed with masturbation. Early sexual intercourse and just before orgasm may also be accompanied by ejaculation. All these cases are natural and therefore the release of precum should not cause panic.
Such mucus is needed to neutralize residual acidity, both in the urethra itself and in the vagina. Because sperm simply die in an acidic environment, it is the precursor that prepares favorable conditions for them.
Number of secrets
For each man the amount of fluid released in such cases is strictly individual. But the higher the degree of arousal, the more secretion is released. It can be a few drops and quite impressive volumes of liquid, reaching 5 ml. In some men, precum is absent as such. The site of premenstrual formation are the glands of Cooper and Liter. They are located along the urethra and produce secretions, the amount of which increases with arousal.
In such a secret, semen may be present in small quantities. Therefore, interrupted intercourse does not always guarantee protection against unwanted pregnancy. Of course, there are no sperm in the secretion itself, but the remnants of semen in the ducts inevitably end up in the preejaculate.
Sometimes men worry about excessive leakage of seminal fluid during an erection. In this case, doctors recommend a differential diagnosis to rule out prostatitis - the secretion of prostate juice during urination or defecation.
Natural sperm production
The second type of natural fluid that is released from the penis as a result of an erection is, of course, semen. Ejaculation is the natural result of ejaculation. The semen is whitish and viscous. Sperm consists of the secretion of the gonads and the semen itself. Semen is released both as a result of sexual intercourse and as a result of masturbation. Such a release is accompanied by sexual release.
Lack of sperm secretion can indicate serious pathologies and requires serious examination.
What will he say about the pathology?
Usually the presence of secretions during erection is not associated with pathologies. But in some cases you need to pay attention to deviations from the norm, as evidenced by:
- unnatural nuance of the discharge - yellow, green, gray color will tell about the pathology;
- the presence of blood in semen or urine;
- pus, lumps or clots in your secretion
- unpleasant or foul odor emitted by the penis, which may indicate inflammatory, infectious processes;
- painful sensations or discomfort that occur during an erection.
It is these unnatural signs that accompany the release of arousal, clearly indicate the presence of pathological processes. Itching, redness or swelling are also warning signs. In such cases, the man should not self-medicate or wait for self-settlement. The right decision would be to visit a doctor for a diagnosis.
Types of possible pathologies
It is not easy to assess the condition of the genitourinary system using only one discharge. But it is the uncharacteristic secretion secreted by the urethra that is a sign of some pathologies. And some diseases are characterized by the presence of specific secretions without the presence of other symptoms.
The man must carefully monitor the quality and quantity of fluid from the penis, both during arousal and in a normal state.
With the appearance of non-specific secretion during agitation, the presence of:
- inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system, which is associated with the activation of the activity of infectious and opportunistic particles;
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- pathologies of oncological nature;
- complications provoked by surgical interventions;
- consequences of injury and damage.
In such cases, the nature of the discharge may be different, depending on the type of pathology and the characteristics of the organism, the neglect of the disease. It is unrealistic to determine the type of deviation on your own. An in-depth diagnosis will be needed to help the doctor assess the patient's condition and choose an effective treatment.
It is recommended that you do not take any medications, especially antibiotics, before visiting a doctor and making a diagnosis. This will obscure the clinical picture and will not allow the correct diagnosis to be made and appropriate treatment to be prescribed.
Hygiene and writing
We must also focus on smegma. This is natural selection. However, in some cases it may be accompanied by an unnatural odor. This lubrication is produced by the sebaceous glands located in the head and foreskin.
In fact, smegma is a fat that, in the absence of timely and quality hygiene procedures, accumulates and provokes the appearance of unnatural odors. The danger is not caused by the smegma itself, but by its accumulation. In the absence of hygienic procedures, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of microbes and the development of inflammatory processes.
The problem with the abundant synthesis of such a lubricant is especially relevant for men aged 16-25 years, when sexual activity has the highest characteristics. With age, the volume of such secretions decreases. When a man washes his penis twice a day, the smegma is completely removed and no unnatural whitish plaque is observed during an erection. If necessary, you can use antibacterial soap to remove smegma.
Often the accumulation of whitish plaque with a pungent odor is attributed by the man to the release of smegma, while the real cause may be associated with thrush or gonorrhea, hdamidiosis.
It is quite dangerous to ignore any separation that is different from normal. Because they can be associated with diseases that require immediate treatment and pose a threat to the reproductive system of an irreversible nature.